Donations and Support

We receive no regular core funding from the Council or any other funder. We rely on grants and donations to enable us to continue providing our services to the community.

If you would like to help your Hub to continue to employ local people on real living wages, support volunteers, run community events and support groups in the park, you might want to make a regular donation to the Hub as a standing order.

This video shows some more about what you would be contributing to:

The Hub ran a crowdfunding campaign during the COVID crisis

To make a regular monthly donation, please click on one of the buttons below. You are in complete control and can stop them at any time. All payments are processed via goCardless.


You can donate as much or as little as you would like. If the amount or frequency you would like isn’t here, please email We appreciate all the support we can get.

If you are interested in getting more actively involved in the running of the Hub, including voting rights, you might want to consider becoming a member. For more information on membership click here.

In the summer of 2020, we appealed for financial community support to help keep the Hub running during the COVID crisis. We are thrilled and so grateful to say we raised £21,731 and £10,000 from Sport England. Here is a little message to express our gratitude.


We are grateful to all our supporters.

Whilst we do not get any regular funding for our core services, we had some funding for specific purposes from various sources:


Dec 2020 City Bridge Trust: £5700 for the Free Food Project and contribution towards the repair of the veranda roof.

Crowdfunding Summer 2020: £21,731 from the Community to help the Hub survive Lockdown plus Match funding of £10,000 from Sport England – Active Together

Oct 2020 LB Haringey – Haringey Community Organisations Support Grant: £15,500 to cover expenses of Lockdown and help to rebuild.

June 2020 Power to Change: Community Business Fund C-19 Emergency Trading Income Support Scheme £30,000 to cover expenses of lockdown.

July 2020 Nike/King Baudouin Foundation: £9996 for Sport and physical activities for 11-25yr olds. One year of activities (postponed due to COVID)

July 2020 National Lottery Community Fund: Hub 7th Birthday Celebrations £930

March 2019 National Lottery Community Fund: Volunteer Support and Management £9300 (extended due to COVID)

Dec 2018 Power to Change: Business Support. For building improvements, 12 hours wages for 18months + business mentor. £53,450 plus £6000 for business advisor.

Crowdfunding 2017: £12,000 from Community plus Match Funding of £6000 from the Mayor of London for Covering on Terraces around the Hub